Institute for Applied Consciousness Research
IACR was founded in September 2008 as a research institute with the purpose of exploring information fields, mind-matter interactions and non-local influences of human consciousness. Our goal is to show that human consciousness can influence matter and to sensitize the public to this topic with relevant experiments.
Our interest lies in the investigation:
- whether certain effects really exist (replications of experiments of other scientists like William A. Tiller, PEAR Labs and Nikolai Kozyrev)
- how these effects work exactly
- the extent to which the effect of mentally influencing matter can be implemented in a technical application for everyday life
We want to develop a kind of “switch” that is controlled solely by human consciousness and starts a measurable physical effect.
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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old working with clients with better services.
“There is no matter in itself. All matter is created and exists only by a force, which makes the atomic particles oscillate and hold them together. But since there is neither an intelligent nor an eternal abstract force in the universe, we must assume a conscious intelligent spirit behind this force. This spirit is the origin of all matter.”
Max Planck
Contact Info
Ring 60 D-15754 Heidesee OT Kolberg (Brandenburg)
+49 3391 – 400 22 15